THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsSunday, 16 March 2025

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Names of people murdered and injured in Filadelfia and Porvenir, Pando, Bolivia

MASSACRE • List of names of people murdered and injured in the Departament of Pando, Bolivia. Prosecutor accuses Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira.


Massacre. Peasants murdered in the massacre of Pando, Bolivia. Prosecutor accuses Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira. Photo © The Achacachi Post™

ACHACACHI, Bolivia.- Names of people murdered by orders Leopoldo Fernandez in Filadelfia and Porvenir massacre.


  1. Bernardino Racua.
  2. Pedro Oshiro.
  3. Arnoldo González.
  4. Celidonio Basualdo.
  5. Alfredo Céspedes.
  6. Víctor Tupa.
  7. Aida N.N.
  8. N.N. Pérez.
Here are just the names of recognized by their relatives. There are more than 20 of NNs and more than 100 missing people.


  1. Abel Beltrán.
  2. Alcides Nascimento.
  3. Víctor Choque.
  4. Daniel Justiniano.
  5. Jesús Nascimento.
  6. Edgar Peña.
  7. Guillermo Hurtado.
  8. Gustavo Fernández.
  9. Frank Mercado.
  10. Wálter Fernández.
  11. Wilfredo Iragua.
  12. Silverio Campos.
  13. Rafael Zegovia.
  14. Guido González.
  15. Luis E. Zabala.
  16. Edgar Balcázar.
  17. Máximo Pari.
  18. Dionisio López.
  19. Sebastián Mamani.
  20. Raúl Lucas Pajarito.
  21. Roberto Terrazas.
  22. Guillermo Manu.

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