THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Monday, September 26, 2011

Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia CIDOB rejects national debate to build the second part of road Villa Tunari - San Ignacio de Moxos

REJECTION • The representative of the technical committee of the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia (CIDOB), Lazarus Taco, dismissed the proposal of President Evo Morales on a national debate to build the second stretch of highway Villa Tunari - San Ignacio de Moxos, the Government intended to build this year through the National Park and Indigenous Territory Iisiboro Secure (TIPNIS).


Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia CIDOB rejects national debate to build the second part of road Villa Tunari - San Ignacio de Moxos. Photos © THE ACHACACHI POST®

LA PAZ, Bolivia .— The Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia also rejected the holding of a referendum in the departments of Beni and Cochabamba for the construction of this road, as announced by the President over the weekend at an event in the Isiboro Secure.

Lazarus Taco, Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia (CIDOB) representative, said:

"It is clear , the Political Constitution priories the consultation before starting a project. So if it affects indigenous territory is not just to do a debate, but there must be an informed consultation and then a consent by the indigenous. And more, Evo Morales’ administration is making a mistake if the consultation is national. The informed consultation must be to the indigenous people who live in the park."
President Evo Morales, after suppressing the peaceful march of indigenous people, gave a press conference at the Government Palace in the city of La Paz, where he announced that the execution of the second tranche of the Cochabamba - Beni road was suspended until the conclusion of a national debate on this subject, looking for an approval or a rejection.

Source: ERBOL®

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