THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsMonday, 17 March 2025

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bolivia Ombudsman says brazilian road construction contract is illegal because it did not comply with the previous consult to indigenous

ILLEGAL CONTRACT • The Bolivian Ombudsman, Rolando Villena, said Monday that the contract made between the Bolivian government and the OAS Brazilian company for the construction of the road from Villa Tunari to San Ignacio de Moxos, is illegal because the absence of prior consultation to indigenous people.


Bolivian Ombudsman, Rolando Villena
Bolivian Ombudsman, Rolando Villena. Photos © TAP®

VILLA TUNARI, Bolivia .— When he was asked by journalists on the illegality of the contract for the construction of Beni-Cochabamba highway, Villena said:

"From a legal point of view is not within the rules that the same Constitution establishes, for example the previous the consultation. The contract is apart of constitutionality. We believe that this should be recognized as an error. It should be amended as soon as possible. "
The Bolivian government signed a contract with the construction company OAS in August 2008 for the construction of Villa Tunari Road - San Ignacio de Moxos.

The road must cross the National Park Territory Isiboro Secure but so far goverment has not carried out prior consultation with indigenous peoples of the place.

Source: ERBOL®

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