THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsSunday, 16 March 2025

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mr. Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira was detained preventively by terrorism

TERRORISM • The Government’s Representative of Pando, Bolivia, Mr. Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira was detained preventively in San Pedro's jail imputed for a common crime: terrorism. Fernández’s lawyers said to the judge that the imputed enjoys of Case Of Court but judge reply saying this ante-process ruled by Law Nº 2445 is not applicable if somebody is imputed by the common crime of terrorism.


Terrorism. In the region of Pando Bolivia Government’s Representative Mr. Leopoldo Fernandez would collaborate with an armed organization dedicated subvert constitutional order. (Bolivian Crime Code, Law Nº 1768, Art. 133). Photo © The Achacachi Post™

ACHACACHI, Bolivia.- The La Paz district attorney request judge Williams Davila to impute formally to Mr. Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira for murder, criminal organization, and terrorism crimes and detain him preventively because he has the facilities to abandon the country and he could influence negatively on the witness or experts to his benefit.

The judge who knew the request of imputation after listening both district attorney and Mr. Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira's lawyer imputed him by terrorism crime and detained preventively in San Pedro's jail.

The judge imputed by terrorism, since Fernandez “…collaborate with an armed organization dedicated to make crimes…” when he allowed using trucks and retro excavators so that an armed organization could mobilize and dig entrenchments in the roads begining with these acts the subvertion of constitutional order . The judge arranged the law foundations of preventively detention on the danger to flee and obstacle investigations. (Law Nº 1970: Art. 234 incise 2, Art. 235 incise 2; Law Nº 1768: Art. 133).

Fernández’s lawyers said to the judge the imputed enjoys The Case Of Court (Law Nº 2445) that it is the rising of the jurisdiction so that a person who occupies an official position must be sued by superior tribunals; judge replied telling them this law is not applicable if somebody is imputed by the common crime of terrorism.

If the imputed Mr. Leopoldo Fernandez Ferreira is accused, complained and convicted could be behind bars from 15 to 20 years in jail.

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