THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


APN (Achacachi Post News). Today Bolivia remembers 25 years of democracy. A day like today Hernán Siles assumes the power of government after a chain of de facto presidents. We can say that is the second continuous democratic period since the creation of the republic of Bolivia. The first democratic period was the called liberal period that was from October 26 1899 up to the 12 was of July 1920.

Hernán Siles begins the Law Stage of Democracy. The law and rules established by State is respected. It is the beginning the called State of Law.

With Victor Peace, begins the Economic Stage of Democracy. He stops the inflation. He puts on the bases for a stable economic development.

With Evo Morales the Social Stage of Democracy begins. The Bolivian nations are included so that they will share the power.

With somebody in the future, the full Stage of Democracy will begin. That it means stable employment and absolute respect to the individual rights (for example right to freedom of locomotion), collective (for example right to the strike), community rights (for example right to freedom of determination—no, the right to self-determination—) and of the minorities of an entire society (See Humans rights evolution).

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