THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Monday, September 19, 2011

Police suppresses Guarani blockade

INDIGENOUS OUTRAGED • Police force unlocked on Monday Route 9, Yacuiba-Santa Cruz, where the Guarani blocked the road in support and defend Isiboro Secure National Park marchers. Some people were injured.


Assembly of the Guarani People road blocking
Assembly of the Guarani People road blocking. Photos © TAP®

YACUIBA, Bolivia .— When the police attack the Guarani Indians had to flee. The Guarani said blocking will resume in other parts of road 9.

The leader of the Assembly of the Guarani People (APG), Ernesto García, lamented the situation and called on President Evo Morales "rule for all".

"Our brothers are being held hostage by the colonists since a week ago in Yucumo. We do a block of 24 hours and are gasified. We are just demanding our rights and this is the response of the police, hit-and-gas, "he said.
Another unlock was recorded 20 km from Tarija. Similarly cops used chemical agents to disperse Guarani people.

Source: ERBOL®

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