He received the greeting of the Eighth regiment of Sucre Infantry Mariscal of Ayacucho and of the Jilacatas (mayors) of the bordering communities and by the mayor of the Achacachi city: Lic. Eugene Rojas.
Arrived on board from his helicopter at the airport from the city at 2 km of distance of the city. It emphasized the music of the Moseñada, the clothes of the Jilacatas and the Qulla (Colla) militia called “Ponchos Rojos” to defend national integrity.
He spoke about the schools and its equipment with computers and connection to Internet. The president emphasized the necessity to install a milk processor, because the region produces a lot of milk.
Also, He inaugurated the 9th radio broadcasting station “Patria Nueva” which is the official voice of the national Government. Attended the act, as well, the cantonal agents and the old leader of the region: Felipe Quispe.
The president left the town at 4:30PM.

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