The Ponchos Rojos of Achacachi, warned with marching to Sucre to defend the Constituent Assembly and to avoid their failure.
Achacachi, 21 August. APN (Achacachi Post News). The Sub Federación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de la Segunda Sección Ancoraimes (Sub Unique Union Federation of Working Farmers of the Second Ancoraimes Section), in extraordinary meeting, declared in emergency and constant mobilizations.
The Ponchos Rojos supports to the components that have the national vision. In addition they decided to defend territorial integrity and to guarantee the continuity of the Constituent Assembly.
The Ponchos Rojos, through a public official notice, raised the transfer of the seat of the Constituent Assembly to the city of El Alto, due to the lack of guarantees for the continuity of the activities that come executing the different commissions

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