THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ponchos Rojos Returned From Santa Cruz De La Sierra


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Poncho Rojo.
Photo & Art © The Achacachi Post. All rights reserved.
The Ponchos Rojos of Achacachi congratulate to the cruceños by their cordiality and hospitality.

Achacachi, 9 August. APN (Achacachi Post News). The mayor of Achacachi, Eugenio Rojas, congratulated the attitude of the cruceños citizens who received with brotherhood and offered their hospitality more than 250 Ponchos Rojos that participated in the military parade and civic in the city of Santa Cruz.

“We have been very well received, many wanted to give the hand to us, brought coca leaves, orange, food to us, refreshment, and we needed more stomach”, related the mayor. He returned to the city of La Paz, and he expressed his error with Santa Cruz, because the “red ponchos” did not think that the Santa Cruz city would receive with cordiality to the thousands of natives who marched past. Specially to more than 250 of achacachiean Ponchos Rojos, and for that reason it said, “all we expressed our gratitude and brotherhood with the town cruceño”.

He reiterated that the Ponchos Rojos did not look for confrontation, on the contrary, all the indigenous farmers of the city of Achacachi tried the unit in the country, “it was thus because the majority that are indigenous and those that are not, all want to Bolivia, want the unit”.

They returned by bus to the city of La Paz.

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