THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Who are The Ponchos Rojos?

ARMY • Who are The Ponchos Rojos? They are reservist of the Bolivian army turned into an armed militia to defend the territorial integrity of Bolivia.

Poncho Rojo.
Photo & Art © The Achacachi Post. All rights reserved.

ACHACACHI, Bolivia. — After the possession of Evo Morales Ayma as Bolivian President Bolivian army reserve turned into militia to secure and guard the process of inclusion of indigenous nations as a part of the power of new Bolivian plurinational State. Ponchos Rojos also are people who guard the gentle disassemble of the old racist colonial Bolivian republic.

So, but who are the Ponchos Rojos? As we said before they are army reserve, all they belong to Qulla nation. These people have military training.

What for? To face separatist and secessionist attempts of the oligarchy landowner of Santa Cruz's Department commanded by Branko G. Marinkovic J. and the Croatian terrorist Eduardo Rozsa Flores. The Ponchos Rojos put on in alert the separatism of Santa Cruz's oligarchy landowner supported even by the North American ambassador Goldberg.

To cope with this situation of internal emergency the Ponchos Rojos wear the most valuable dress: the red poncho to celebrate a solemn ceremony to request to the Mother Earth (Pachamama) the protection in the face of the war. The red poncho is sacred par excellence. For it, this type of dress is just used in ultimate emergency.

Other ponchos are:

The huayruro (red and black) poncho is used for commemorative and religious acts, as the solstices, parade, official acts, elections, etc.

The pink one is used for festivities as Carnival.

The orange one is for internal acts in the community.

The green is used for announce the seed time.

The noval (soil color) poncho is used in winter season.

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