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LA PAZ, Bolivia. — The first indigenous President of Plurinational state of Bolivia Evo Morales Ayma will not listen the exponents of Qulla people nor discuss the environmental problems they have.
The Mother Earth of the Qullas is being polluted by copper mining in Corocoro, Bolivia. The water used in mining is dumped directly into the river, poisoning the land and river. With the construction of roads "rights" of Mother Earth are being violated in the Madidi National Park in the northern of department of La Paz and Isiboro-Secure Park in tropical zone of Cochabamba. The people who live in these places will not be heard by Evo Morales.
Also with the construction of power plants, "rights" of Mother Earth are being violated in Madera River. The people who live in river banks will not be heard by Evo Morales.
Lake Intikjarka (Titikaka) fishing place of peoples like Qullas and Uru-chullunis is being polluted by sewage from the cities of El Alto, Batallas, Huarina, Tiquina, Achacachi, Mina Matilde in Bolivia and Puno and Huancane in Peru. Evo Morales does not want to listen this kind of ecological troubles.
What a irony, in the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, indigenous people as the bolivian Qullas will not be heard in this plurinational state of Bolivia.
But anyway, the bolivian National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (CONAMAQ) deployed the Table Nº 18 to discuss these environmental problems. This table Nº. 18 will be installed parallel to Table 17 approved for the event, which starts on Tuesday 20 in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
The organization of indigenous people met yesterday with President Evo Morales, who did not give his approval to install the Table Nº 18 in the conference. Rafael Quispe CONAMAQ leader, said:
“We reiterate (the Government). They did not want to include Table Nº 18 but the table will be installed to discuss environmental problems. The table Nº 18 will be installed like it or not.”.“The Earth is our mother. As we all, she should has her rights. For example, not be contaminated. Mother Earth must be capable to biorregeneración. Mother Earth has the right to be extracted natural resources in irresponsible way. Mother Earth has the right to get out their natural resources in a sustainable and balanced way. Neither can be damaged by chemicals.”
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