LA PAZ, Bolivia. — Special Force against Drug Trafficking (FELCN) arrested Valentin Mejillones Acarapi with their traditional attire of the Andean spiritual wisdom guide together with his son and a couple of Colombians citizens, who mounted a rustic drug factory.
They all were accused of drug production and trafficking.
The surprise operation was performed last night at the home of Valentin Mejillones Acarapi, located on Heroes del Chaco street , Alto Lima area of El Alto city, after an intelligence monitoring process carried out by FELCN.
Valentin Mejillones Acarapi (a.k.a. Siquititi Huaranca) said:
"I have been deceived, is also a surprise for me. I do not have to do anything. Humanly I have done a favor to them. They told me they would make herb pills and ointments."The police said that each kilo of liquid cocaine is listed on the national black market at $ 1,000.
Valentin Mejillones, who called himself Siquititi Huaranca, handed the baton to President Morales, in the impressive inauguration ceremony in Tiwanaku was made on January 21, 2006.
At a convention of indigenous peoples in 1998, was appointed coordinator of Elders and Spiritual Guides of America. He was secretary of Culture and Education of the Federation of Neighborhood Committees of El Alto city and he also was mallku or political leader of his community.
Valentin Mejillones Acarapi said he meet the head of state of Bolivia Juan Evo Morales Ayma since the '80s when he began participating in the leadership of the coca growers' movement of El Chapare, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
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