THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsMonday, 17 March 2025

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Anti-racism law guarantees equality in Bolivia (García Linera)

ANTIRACISM LAW • The Bolivian Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera defended Anti-racism Bill as an instrument to ensure the equality of persons in the country with majority of indigenous people. He denied that this bill infringes on free expression.


Bolivian Vice President Alvaro García Linera explaining the anti-racism bill.
Photo © LA PRENSA™

LA PAZ, Bolivia . — Garcia Linera noted:

"The bill protects and guarantees equal treatment for all people."

"No need to worry, if any journalist is racist does not have to worry about."

Garcia Linera said that:
"This bill simply states that the media can not disseminate or allow dissemination of messages with racist and discriminatory content."

"The thing is that we have to combat a culture of racism that is so strong in the world and particularly in Bolivia. Do not forget that here the indigenous population is almost 60% and Indians until four years ago were discriminated against and abused, handicapped in their social and economic presence with racist epithets,”

Bolivian opposition says that this project provides for penalties, pecuniary first and then the broadcast license suspension if the media disseminate or permit dissemination of recurrent messages with racist or discriminatory content.

At the same time in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales Ayma said on the subject:

"It is time that we all have the same rights and the same obligations (..) all have the same rights the same duties, there are no persons of first or second caste."
Morales said the issue:
"involves mental decolonization of each of us."

Source: Cc / ABI ®

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