THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The former president of Bolivia Jorge Tuto Quiroga Ramirez is convicted to two years and eight months in prison for libel the Banco Union

CRIMINAL PROCESS • The former President of Bolivia Jorge Tuto Quiroga Ramirez was sentenced to 32 months' imprisonment. Quiroga does not retract, the Union Bank asked four years in prison .


Jorge Tuto Quiroga Ramirez is convicted to two years and eight months in prison.
ART © THE ACHACACHI POST™. This is not a photograph, it is just an artistic sketch, meaning that this would happen in Bolivia to this american citizen Mr. Quiroga Ramirez.

LA PAZ, Bolivia . — On February 6, 2009, ten days after the murder of Jorge D'Arlach O'Connor, who was stolen $ 450,000 that were placed in the Banco Union, Quiroga said:

"Banco Union is used as a corruption laundry and of chavism. It has to be seen if whether they are using for drugs laundry too. "
The stolen money should have been invested in building a plant for separating liquids in order of YPFB (Yacimientos Pretrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos).

In response, the Banco Union opened a criminal complaint against the former president for libel, slander and defamation.

The court ruling the case headed by judge René Delgado Ecos issued on Saturday a sentence convicting the bolivian-american citizen Jorge Tuto Quiroga Ramirez (He is married with american citizen Mrs. Virginia "Ginger" Gale Gillum) to two years and eight months in prison.

Quiroga replayed:

"This (conviction) is a clear demonstration that in Bolivia there is no democracy, freedom of expression, right to criticism and dissent, and here, whoever he is, there is no right to exercise the public function outside and without the MAS (Evo’s Movement toward Socialism)."

Source: LA PRENSA®

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