THE ACHACACHI POSTOnline NewsTuesday, 18 March 2025

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fides survey shows that Eugenio Rojas former Achacachi’s Mayor is considered the most deceitful and corrupt personality

CORRUPT PERSONALITY • Survey by Statistical Services of Fides Group was conducted between February and April 3 in the cities of La Paz, El Alto and Achacachi and shows that Eugenio Rojas Apaza former Achacachi’s Mayor and now Senator of MAS (Evo's Movement towards Socialism) is considered the most false-hearted and corrupt personality .


Eugenio Rojas former Achacachi’s Mayor is considered the most deceitful and corrupt personality. Photo © THE ACHACACHI POST®

ACHACACHI, Bolivia .— In Achacachi 100 people were consulted and 50 in the spread area.

In this town the less reliable person is Álvaro García Linera (17.40%), then comes the former mayor of Achacachi and current senator, Eugenio Rojas (10.10%), then Sacha Llorentty (8.10%) and Felipe Quispe (5 , 40%).

In Achacachi the most deceitful person is considered Eugenio Rojas (28.90%) followed by Samuel Doria Medina (10.70%) and former Vice President Victor Hugo Cardenas ( 8.70%).

This view completely unfavorable to Senator of MAS Eugenio Rojas is due he allowed the construction of a dam for irrigation that after a rain came down.

Source: FIDES®

Related: Alfonso Cosme's K’uchu dam

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